Wednesday 18 September 2013


#Throwback 15.09.2013

Siow Teng going to UK to further her studies.. 
Kahwai and I sent her off.. 
She is going there with another 2 friends (future lawyer) HAHA!! 
That's why we're not that worried.. 
At least there are someone accompany her during her 12 hours flight.. 

Before she left, she hugged her parents.. 
and that moment, is sooooo touching!! 
Luckily, she never forget to wave to us.. LOL.. joking!! 
She also got hugged me and Kahwai la of course.. XD


At KLIA, there's a lot of scenes where people crying and hugging each other.. 
I still remember vividly the day I sent my mom off.. 
Which is also the first year she works at HK... 
Well, I'm a tough girl.. so, I din't cry.. *i know i'm bad* LOL.. 

What for I want to cry? My mom found a job that suits her the most and she lovessssss to travel!! 
If asking her to stay just because my family members and I 'tak sempat hati', isn't that selfish? 

There were a scene where the parents hugged their daughter ( i think is around 15 years old). 
They were crying and hugging each other..
Telling each other to take care and the mom says, 'Mommy loves you.' 
That moment... is priceless!! 

There was a couple.. who also the same.. 
The girlfriend is crying so hard that she could hardly breathe..
The boyfriend comforts her by hugging and kissing her..
Can't imagine if my boyfie leave me and go another place..
Maybe I should start planning now.. 
Who to invite to my party after he left.. XDD *just joking*  

Of course, Kahwai and I both witnessed these both scenes... 
We have so much thoughts and we thinks that its sooooo sad to see someone you care leaving to another place..   


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